Saturday 28 March 2015

Symmetrical Nutcrackers

Grade 3 & 4 used symmetry to help us draw nutcrackers after watching a video about artisans in Russia create wooden nutcrackers. Wow what beautiful pieces of art.

Print Making for Valentines Day

Using wooden carving tools students created a stamp to ink using India Ink and made repetitive prints... We then mounted the styrofoam to the prints and created beautiful art to showcase things we love.

Snowmen with Different Views

Grade 3 & 4 were challenged to creat pictures of a snowman pretending they were the lens of a camera.  Some choose to show their snowman zoomed in, zoomed out, from the bottom, from the top.   They turned out beautifully.

Totem Poles

This year students in grade 5 & 6 worked hard to create Totem Poles that told the world about themselves. Students used traditional animal symbols or modern symbols to create totem poles out of paper mâché., paint and other found objects.  Students used the Element of Design such as texture, form,colour principals and line to guide their art work. we were all really proud of their efforts.